3:35 AM

my interact leadership training camp was just over and had loads of fun there luhh xD
I met this cute girl there from Tanjong Katong Girls' School!
but the sad thing is that her school is like in Eunos and shes secondary 3!
haha, got her number and stuffs.
then interact thingy was kinda fun xD haha, except for the parts where we had to sit down for like 4 over hours to hear some stupid message luhh xD
but okay lah, bunked with a few shuai guys and Darren Tien got horny..I think xP
then suddenly a rumour about me liking grace came about then half of the camp the RVians used it too kajiao me lah!
yujin is like a great magician luhh XD
I got some random photos of the camp but cant post it cause my handphone like got confiscated ):
erm, what else to say.
nothing liao
so yeah >.<

We can work things out.

3:44 AM

heyhey :D
its been quite sometime either me or pauline have posted on this blog xD
she is kinda busy with her own stuffs, so don't have time to post le D:
many stuffs have happened lately and havent got time to post it all

chuch camp passed like very long ago, but never had time to post it luhh D:
my group had to act as Ah Bengs and Ah Lians selling durian
then suddenly I was asked to be their dance cherographer luhh D: so random can!
we placed balloons in our stomaches there and then danced some stuff luhh xD
haha, will try to upload the video if can :D
very funny, you watch it and will confirm laugh until you die xD

basketball season has just started xD
so far we won 1 lost 2 D:
very sad luhh, cause I dont think we put in our most effort and obviously could have won these teams D;
from today onwards I'll be jogging in the morning as I need to build up my stamina as it totally sucks D;
going gym too. jiayous cdiv08

I'm sorry for what I said, I'd didn't know that it would hurt you so badly
I wished that it never happened and got more time to know you
I thought we were getting there and then I didn't know that it would all happen so fast
I'm really sorry and I know you would rather me to get on with life.
I'd never wanted it this way and I think you wouldn't too D:


We can work things out.