3:44 AM

heyhey :D
its been quite sometime either me or pauline have posted on this blog xD
she is kinda busy with her own stuffs, so don't have time to post le D:
many stuffs have happened lately and havent got time to post it all

chuch camp passed like very long ago, but never had time to post it luhh D:
my group had to act as Ah Bengs and Ah Lians selling durian
then suddenly I was asked to be their dance cherographer luhh D: so random can!
we placed balloons in our stomaches there and then danced some stuff luhh xD
haha, will try to upload the video if can :D
very funny, you watch it and will confirm laugh until you die xD

basketball season has just started xD
so far we won 1 lost 2 D:
very sad luhh, cause I dont think we put in our most effort and obviously could have won these teams D;
from today onwards I'll be jogging in the morning as I need to build up my stamina as it totally sucks D;
going gym too. jiayous cdiv08

I'm sorry for what I said, I'd didn't know that it would hurt you so badly
I wished that it never happened and got more time to know you
I thought we were getting there and then I didn't know that it would all happen so fast
I'm really sorry and I know you would rather me to get on with life.
I'd never wanted it this way and I think you wouldn't too D:


We can work things out.