2:27 AM

paiseh all! >.<
very long never post again!
cause I'm a busy man marhx xD
pauline! you arhs, bluff me! with Joanne lor!
tell me you got terminal disease and dying then I believe you lor!
qi1 pian4 wo2 de4 gan3 qing2~fen4 shui4 wo3 de4 bo1 li2 xin1 xD
tell you all something funny hor!
but dont like pauline get the infectious laughing disease!
you all know the P.E. storeroom right?
basketballs, soccer balls, volleyballs, and all kinds of balls inside there rite (dont think sick)
the door always cannot open de lor
only I found out a way
but then the way I open it looks kinda WRONG!
*ahem* you know lah
" I need to climb up the grill until my waist around the keyhole level!
then must shake really violently, however luh, the door wont just open lor
I still need to make that *ahem* sound then the door will open lor! "
hahas, chao sick luh, maybe its cause I'm 60 so only my weight can open luh!
today had to play star wars luhh for music!
I totally crapped up luhh xD
didnt know what I was doing half the time so like whatever luh!
baby bop! I dont know what happened to you luhh
but you still take cares wors!
dont get to upset hor!
always look on the bright side of life!
gorilla! very long havent tok to you face to face liao xD
hahas, take cares too!
dont siao siao with secondary 1s hor xD

okay lah, bye bye all! jiayou for whatever you all do xD

We can work things out.

2:12 AM

i am a MAD gal todae...
totally mad.
u can ask kang chyi or even irene or JOanne
mad mad mad
i was like laughing the whole dae luh
nvr laugh like this b4
u noe why ?
it's Kang chyi's fault luh...
went to her house on sat...
as i mention in the last post
saw sum frantic,pyscho
videos done by her and her fren
then laugh until i fall onto the floor
now got after effect liao luh...
if i continue like this..
i will end up in IMH luh...
was like laughing in sch then on bus then
In Mac then
when i was eatin waffle
then in mrt and
in the popular
durin classes too !
whahahaha irene oso.
in the mrt luh.
laughing is infectious
so we contracted ( ILD)
Infectious Laughing Disease
then kc was like repeatin how we laugh luh...
makes it so funny laugh until my stomach egg
no shd be ache....
then my legs went jelly
when we climb up the stairs
of JE mrt luh...
hahahahas hope that
i will recover soon form ILD hor ?
1 more dae to my bdae !
i m mad...

We can work things out.